Fire Prevention in the Home

Fire Prevention Week is almost upon us. It is that time of the year to make sure our homes, offices and facilities are safe! Partnering with the NFPA, International Fire Protection is sharing some research and tips for fire safety that you should keep in mind.

According to NFPA’s latest research an average of seven people die in a home fire every day in the U.S. The top 5 causes of fire and injuries are:

  1. Cooking equipment
  2. Heating equipment
  3. Electrical distribution or lighting equipment
  4. Intentionally set
  5. Smoking materials.

Fire sprinkler systems were in only 7% of the home fires reported in 2015. Planning your escape route is important and a task that should be revisited each year. The escape route doesn’t have to change if it is still a good plan, but everyone in your household should be reminded of it. Here is a grid from NFPA for your escape planning.

Some Safety Tips to Remember and Implement:

  1. Have an escape route planned out and a meeting spot for the household members in case of fire. This should be revisited every year.
  2. Replace batteries in smoke alarms every year.
  3. Replace smoke alarms every ten years.
  4. A smoke alarm should be in every bedroom and outside each sleeping space. Also install smoke alarms on every level. If you have a larger home, install smoke alarms in every room.
  5. Test smoke alarms every month.
  6. Clean your washing machines and dryers.
  7. Portable generators can cause carbon dioxide poisoning.
  8. Keep your house free of extra clutter. Compulsive hoarding disorder is causing serious fires and injuries.

Keep your home and loved ones safe, take the extra time today to learn more about fire prevention and how you can promote safety in the home.